Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's Recap On..

The 4th of July
Hello, Good morning.

Now, if you were on BLOCK ISLAND, for the 4th of July then you already know.. 
Or, you don't know because you blacked out on the ferry. 
Regardless, let's break it down.

And that was only just the ferry. Cause let's be honest, the survival rate of my camera on the beach is not high. I was either going to drop it, break it, or it was going in the ocean. I opted for D. None of the above and kept its in it's case.

But to sum it up, shit was sloppy. What else can you expect when bottles of champagne (as shown above) are being chugged at 10am? Not to mention there was a bar ON the ferry. Talk about genius.

America, baby.
Only the Strong Survive.

If you didn't protect your cooler, you we're screwed. And if you took beer from anyone elses cooler, you were even more screwed. Ask the chick who tried to steal out of my friends cooler.
She did not have as great of a day as everyone else.
(she got kicked in the face and ate sand, then came back for Round 2 and tripped over herself to eat some more sand).

But by far, the best part of the day was when some drunk lady was strolling down the beach yelling

Not that far off if you ask me..