Friday, February 11, 2011

Social Experiment

So what happened was...
My friends & I managed to get tickets to last night's "My Dirty Valentine" Bus Trip at like 9 last night so naturally I stopped everything i was doing and got ready to go because who declines free tickets to party? Yeah, i thought so too.

When I say free tickets, I actually mean counterfit ones. And when I say counterfit, I mean this freshman entertainment company used red raffle tickets as their tickets. 
Rookie mistake. 

Anyway, we get on the bus and I immediately felt like I was in some weird social experiment. Not to be vainglorious or anything, but it was like someone put four red Mercedes in an over crowded parking lot of 1996 Honda Civic's. No offense if you drive one. The clincher was when my friend said:

"There's threesomes, some girl is puking out of the window, some guy is stripping and black boys are touching me.  What the ----?"

I can't make this up. I typed in my notepad occasionally so I wouldn't forget any of these crucial details.  When we finally got to Ultra Nightclub, I had to make sure I was in the right place because it actually looked like a WWE Smackdown. Bouncers man handling girls, guys getting snuffed, and chicks and guys snuffing each other. Had I paid, I would have been livid at that point, but I cheated the system so it was cool. 

Regardless of all we encounter, we managed to make the best of it and have a good time. There was no wait at the bar, because we were the only 12 people with "Drinking Age Verified" bracelets. Naturally we ignored everyone and raged in a circle. I just hope the onlookers learned a valuable lesson in the ways of partying.

I was documenting..

Oh, and if anyone I forced to buy me a drink reads this, sorry that I'm persuasive... not really that sorry.

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