Monday, September 19, 2011

So Tiesto is coming tomorrow

And my question is, are we even Fu*king ready?

Because I really don't think we are. 
And not only do i think we aren't ready, I don't think the school is ready. 
Like, what even is the campus staff/facility/whoever going to to do 
when they have upwards to 5,000 students just rolling around campus?! 

Last year for the Wiz Khalifa concert, I joked about how many people were going to end up in the hospital. But with Tiesto we are now on totally different spectrums of epic.

And it isn't even because Tiesto is so good
(because from a personal stand point he isn't all that live
It's only because everyone is like, 
"Oh my god Tiesto is in fucking Rhode Island! 
Lets consume massive amounts of everything & just see how out of hand it can possibly get."
Which I am all for, don't get me wrong...

So while you're anxiously awaiting tomorrow check out the video below from the first show of Tiesto's College Invasion Tour at Syracuse

So get your neon ready & I'll see you tomorrow night.
FYI: I will be ready equip to video..Leggo

Now gimme that Porter Robinson..

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